“Living Person(s)” show as placeholders for actual individuals whose information is not displayed to the
public for privacy reasons. This biographical information is generally limited to names, birth dates,
education, and whereabouts. It is limited by the person who submits it, and protected by means of a
Username and Password granted solely by the author and administrator. This access is granted only to
verified relatives in the tree, and well-known genealogists who are either related or are collaborating
on research projects.
Public profiles are generally for deceased individuals, and almost all of the information and media are
made public. If a media item, such as a photo, contains a living and a deceased individual, the item
will remain private until all profiles are set to public. A user can request that their profile be made
public. One might do this for research purposes so they can be found. Care should be and is exercised
when including personal details on these profiles.
Questions about privacy can be directed to the author through the
Contact page.